The second stage of karting season will be held in Smiltene, Tepera track
06.07.2020 23:13
Already this weekend 10.07. - 11.07., With a very small distance from the previous competition, we will meet in Smiltene, Teper track to complete the 2nd stages in Pro-Kart, Latvian Championship and Rotax Challenge Cup. Karting track for training is open from Sunday 05.07. and available throughout the week, until the day of the competition.
The format of the competition is planned to be very similar this weekend as well, as in the first stage of the season - the centralized technical inspection of go-karts will not take place, unfortunately the opening parade will not be held, but the award ceremony will take place in parallel. The race secretariat will be open from Thursday afternoon to allow registration for the race, but we still ask that all activities be carried out remotely and electronically as far as possible to minimize social gatherings.
Taking into account that there will be no significant changes in the composition of participants, as well as based on the experience of the first season, due to insufficient number of participants in the class, this year we will not see TeK class on the track, which probably means that this class will lose championship status. It will be able to return to the track as a Latvian Cup. In turn, in the Pro-Kart test this year the competition will not take place in Senior, DD2, DD2M classes. This is due to the fact that 1-2 athletes registered for the first stage in these classes, who were asked to join the RM classes, thus participating in the Latvian Championship and Rotax Challenge Cup. We would like to thank the athletes for their understanding in this time of change, when we all want go on the track, but have to put up with different types of restrictions.
We invite athletes and teams to use the track for training purposes throughout the week. To clarify the agreed times, please contact Vairi Trall by calling - 29125512.
Invariably, before this stage of the competition, we invite athletes and teams to get acquainted with the agenda for both Friday and Saturday. And as always, we invite you to follow the changes in the agenda during the competition. Before going to the competition, please read the current information and restrictions related to the current situation of Covid - 19 in the country - https://covid19.gov.lv/ We are responsible, keep our distance, do not crowd and stay at home if we feel any of the symptoms of the disease, thus we will take care of both our own health and the health of others.
Already on this weekend 10.07. - 11.07., With a very small distance from the previous competition, we will meet in Smiltene, Tepera track to complete the 2nd stages in Pro-Kart, Latvian Championship and Rotax Challenge Cup. Karting track for training is open from Sunday 05.07. and available throughout the week, until the day of the competition.
The format of the competition is planned to be very similar this weekend as well, as in the first stage of the season - the centralized technical inspection of karts will not take place, unfortunately the opening parade will not be held, but the award ceremony will take place in parallel with finals. The race secretariat will be open from Thursday afternoon to allow registration for the race, but we still ask that all activities be carried out remotely and electronically as far as possible to minimize social gatherings.
Taking into account that there will be no significant changes in the composition of participants, as well as based on the experience of the first season, due to insufficient number of participants in the class, this year we will not see TeK class on the track, which probably means that this class will lose championship status. It will be able to return to the track as a Latvian Cup. In turn, in the Pro-Kart test this year the competition will not take place in Senior, DD2, DD2M classes. This is due to the fact that 1-2 athletes registered for the first stage in these classes, who were asked to join the RM classes, thus participating in the Latvian Championship and Rotax Challenge Cup. We would like to thank the athletes for their understanding in this time of change, when we all want go on the track, but have to put up with different types of restrictions.
We invite athletes and teams to use the track for training purposes throughout the week. To clarify the agreed times, please contact Vairis Tralla by calling - 29125512.
Invariably, before this stage of the competition, we invite athletes and teams to get acquainted with the agenda for both Friday and Saturday. And as always, we invite you to follow the changes in the agenda during the competition. Before going to the competition, please read the current information and restrictions related to the current situation of Covid - 19 in the country - https://covid19.gov.lv/ We are responsible, keep our distance, do not crowd and stay at home if we feel any of the symptoms of the disease, thus we will take care of both our own health and the health of others.