The first Pro-Kart race of the season 2016
22.05.2016 08:16
Second, season 2016 competitions at SK333 has been successfully concluded. Cups, medals and awards distributed to the podium. In turn, the fight on the track with every race remains exciting and ever fiercer, promising us a really exciting season. Today we could also boast an impressive race number of participants - 148 participants from 5 countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway and Russia. It is also noted that given the large number of participants in competitions passed very smoothly and without any particularly serious violations in the track and during the race. The competition was held within the framework of the first phase of the „LMT Autosporta Akadēmija”, it should also be noted that the new karting racers showed a very good performance and was confident that can be a lot to learn from the experienced riders.
Again, many thanks to our friends - Zaķumuiža Primary school dance team "Garauši" and „Zaķubērni” who had came to welcome the riders to the start of the second race. Many thanks also to dance leader Terēze Jozefa as well. The performence was great and driverrs looked realy uplifted and happy.
The competition awarded prizes for the first three winners:
Raket class:
1st place - Carmen Kraav (EST),
2st place - Daniels Kobals (LAT),
3st place - Artūrs Martinsons (LAT).
TK Junior class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Ozoliņš (LAT),
2st place - David Ivbulis (LAT),
3st place - Anrijs-Leo Lediņš (LAT).
TK Senior class:
1st place - Luīze Cera (LAT),
2st place - Austris Cers (LAT),
3st place - Kārlis Dambis (LAT).
Retro class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Silenieks (LAT),
2st place - Zygimantas Zube (LTU).
* Rūdolfs Visinskis (LAT) quite from the race.
M125 class:
1st place - Denis Kiseļņikovs (LAT),
2st place - Oļegs Vlasovs (LAT),
3st place - Domantas Kaminskas (LTU).
CZ125 class:
1st place - Aloyzas Cekavicius (LTU),
2st place - Arnis Šeidlers (LAT),
3st place - Harijs Bergmanis (LAT).
Micro Max class:
1st place - Emīls Akmens (LAT),
2st place - Mārtiņš Janovskis (LAT),
3st place - Jānis Grava (LAT).
Rotax Micro Max class:
1st place - Tomass Štolcermanis (LAT),
2st place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis (LAT),
3st place - Matīss Maļinovskis (LAT).
KZ2 class:
1st place - Kaspar Kallasmaa (EST),
2st place - Paulius Paskevicius (LTU),
3st place - Rokas Baciuska (LTU).
KZ2 Master class:
1st place - Aloyzas Cekavicius (LTU),
2st place - Ēriks Gasparovičs (LAT),
3st place - Eduards Daņiļēvičs (LAT).
Junior class:
1st place - Krists Ziders (LAT),
2st place - Aivo Menken Parts (EST),
3st place - Konstantin Kosarev (RUS).
RM Junior class:
1st place - Matvejs Makušins (LAT),
2st place - Kristiāns Rihters (LAT),
3st place - Gustavs Māliņš (LAT).
DD2 class:
1st place - Marius Povilaitis (LTU),
2st place - Kārlis Miķelsons (LAT),
3st place - Zymantas Butkus (LTU).
DD2 Master class:
1st place - Raivis Kirilovs (LAT),
2st place - Jānis Boks (LAT),
3st place - Rūdis Memens (LAT).
RM DD2 class:
1st place - Kristaps Gasparovičs (LAT),
2st place - Ernests Veismanis (LAT),
3st place - Mārtiņš Steinerts (LAT).
RM DD2 Master class:
1st place - Uldis Timaks (LAT),
2st place - Iļja Aļoškins (LAT),
3st place - Juris Zālītis (LAT).
Senior class:
1st place - Kaspars Ritums (LAT),
2st place - Artem Daletsky (RUS),
3st place - Armands Jakušenoks (LAT).
Senior Master class:
1st place - Jānis Brazelis (LAT),
2st place - Jevgēņijs Monahovs (LAT),
3st place - Domantas Butkus (NOR).
Rotax Max Senior class:
1st place - Ragnar Veerus (EST),
2st place - Krišs Jaunzemis (LAT),
3st place - Didzis Apinis (LAT).
Mini Max class:
1st place - Žanis Baiks (LAT),
2st place - Kristers Linde (LAT),
3st place - Dmitrij Starcheusov (RUS).
Rotax Mini Max class:
1st place - Mikus Jasevičs (LAT),
2st place - Johann Vain (EST),
3st place - Ričards Subeckis (LAT).
***LMT Autosporta Akadēmijas class:
5st place - Henrijs Jaunslavietis,
10th place - Rinalds Bērziņš,
11th place - Kristaps Blite.
We wish all the luck and even better success in the next season race and see you very soon - in the next race, which will take place on June 11, at Madona! Of course, today's greeting to all the finalists, who won prizes and had earned a place on the podium!
We remind you that all the race results, photos and information will be available on our website www.prokart.lv, in section "Race".
Comments (11)

19.06.2022 00:46

29.06.2016 19:01

28.06.2016 22:49

28.06.2016 16:37

27.06.2016 21:04

27.06.2016 16:18

05.06.2016 00:38

02.06.2016 15:16
Edgars B.

31.05.2016 19:33

25.05.2016 15:43

26.05.2016 22:16
Valdis Viesis