The wettest stage of this karting season finishes in the Sporta Komplekss "333"
26.08.2018 00:35
Today, in the Sporta Komplekss "333", the nearly-closing stage of the season took place the karting race at the Latvian Karting Open Championship, Pro-Kart Cup, the Rotax Challenge Cup, and the LMT Autosport Academy. Officially the race was opened by the chairman of the LAF karting committee and the race director, Valdis Brutāns and Haralds Šlēgelmilhs who congratulated all the riders, pointing out that the closing stage of the season is very close.
Overall, the race was successful and enjoyed without significant incidents. On the second half of the race day, the clouds were so tucked up in the sky that it brought in an almost inactive affair that took us until the award ceremony. The rainy weather clearly showed correction in athlete speed and tactical battle, as it was necessary to discuss not only how to transfer competitors, but also about how to keep themselves on the track and not get out of the it.
The winners of the first three places:
Rotax Micro Max class:
1st place - Alexander Skjelten
2nd place - David Gudelevicius,
3rd place - Dainis Grava.
Rotax Mini Max Class:
1st place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis,
2nd place - Martins Janovskis,
3rd place – Emīls Akmens.
RM Junior class:
1st place - Karl-Markus Sei
2nd place - Matīss Maļinovskis
3rd place – Tomass Štolcermanis
RM DD2 class:
1st place - Ernests Veismanis
2nd place - Tomass Birstiņš
3rd place – Mārtiņš Steinerts.
RM DD2 Master classes:
1st place – Iļja Aļoškins,
2nd place - Raivis Kirilovs,
Third place - Priit Sei.
Rotax Max Senior in class:
1st place – Valters Zviedris,
2nd place – Artūrs Bondars,
3rd place - Gustavs Māliņš.
KZ2 Master Class:
1st place - Eduards Daņiļēvičs
2nd place - Vytautas Surdokas
3rd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius.
KZ2 class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Lapiņš
2nd place - Anton Astashenko,
3rd place - Martin Leotoots.
Senior Master's class:
1st place - Mikalai Tsiminiski
2nd place - Armands Andersos
Third place - Didzis Apinis.
Senior class:
1st place - Lauris Laizāns
2nd place – Harijs Cīrulis,
3rd place - Andrii Filenko.
DD2 master class:
1st place - Rūdis Kļavinš
2nd place - Yevgeny Monahov
3rd place - Andis Feldmanis.
DD2 class:
1st place – Ričards Šubeckis,
2nd place - Gints Zvirbulis,
3rd Place - Michael Joebstl.
Junior class:
1st place - Aleksey Savin
2nd place - Vyacheslav Gutaks
3rd place - Vladislav Kolosov.
Mini Max Class:
1st place - Danil Tsurankov,
2nd place - Hrihory Zakharau
3rd place - Arturs Daņiļevskis.
Micro Max class:
1st place - Vlad Siniabok
2nd place - Dominika Vinogrodskis
Third place - Danila Chernega
TK Senior Class:
1st place - Arthur JIoda
2nd place - Reinis Masulis,
3rd place - Aleksei Savin.
* LMT Autosport Academy test:
1st Place – Roberts Klinsons
2nd place - Jānis Mantiņš
3rd place - Kristaps Stumps.
TeK class:
1st place - Ričards Irbe
2nd place - Raitis Plukšs,,
3rd place - Raivis Veikšāns
TeK Open in class:
1st place - Artem Shestakov
R85 class:
1st place - Arturs Daņiļevskis
2nd place - Tanel Karu
3rd Place - Sandra Kuebarsepp
TK Junior class:
1st place - Plato Karu
2nd place - Miķelis Buka
3rd Place - Markuss Martins Soste.
M125 class:
1st place - Yevgeny Rudan
2nd place - Murad Mirzoev.
In class CZ125:
1st place - Zigimund Zube.
The last race will taka place a little more than a month later - on September 29 in Jelgava's "Rullītis" track. Consequently, this stage will also end in this year's karting season.
We invite all athletes to evaluate their seasonal achievements and their goals. The final stage of the season can show several changes in many overall scores, so it is worth getting and investing all the forces in the last race in meters!
Congratulations to all the winners of these days and we are meeting in Jelgava!