30.04.2024 21:06
Hey, Hey, Hey - see you at Madona (0)
This year, the traditional children's/youth's and historic karting competitions will take place on the June 28th and 29th., as usual in Madona. The prize fund remains the same – engines, tires and Mychron's.
22.06.2023 19:50
Karting Festival Madona (0)
There is only a little left until the traditional competition for children and young generation will be held in Madona: the Micro-Mini-Junior festival. The competition program also includes historic karting and veteran competitions. The registration of participants has been extended until 02.07.2023.
22.11.2022 22:28
Micro & Mini & Junior festival 2023 (9)
There will take place a Micro-Mini-Junior festival also in 2023. This year, the first competition was held and, as already mentioned, a new tradition is being started. The competitions planned for 2023 will be even more exciting and of higher quality.
23.10.2022 09:49
Announcement (5)
The Pro-Kart Association is reducing its scope of activity and will not organize the Latvian Championship, the Latvian Rotax Challenge Cup, the Pro-Kart Cup in 2023.
02.08.2021 23:53
The second stage is approaching (1)
Already this weekend we will hold the second and third stage of the Latvian championship in Madona. There is a very busy weekend ahead. Already on Thursday, the track will be available for free practice
07.07.2021 00:42
Season opener in Smiltene (3)
Well, then it will finally be possible to discover the karting season in Latvia as well. The first competition will take place on July 16-17. On the Smiltene karting track, where following race series will play out the trophies: Latvian Championship, Rotax Max Latvija Challenge Cup, Pro-Kart Cup, Electric Karting Cup, Tillotson T4 Cup.
08.06.2021 23:18
The competition in Midsummer Fest Week has also been canceled (8)
Unfortunately, due to the unclear situation with the epidemiological situation in the country, the competition, which was planned in Midsummer week 25.-26.06. in Madona, has been canceled.
14.05.2021 21:27
Race cancelled (0)
Unfortunately, due to the epidemiological restrictions set by the goverment, the competition in Madona 28-29.05. can't take place.
12.09.2020 23:00
2020 season's final stage was held in Jelgava
With the fifth stage, we have officially concluded the 2020 karting season today. This season was definitely very different than usual. It was not clear in the spring itself whether this year we will meet on the karting track at all and be able to impregnate Latvian tracks with smoke and adrenaline, or the Latvian Championship will take place, or the Pro-Kart test will gather all karting enthusiasts, or we will fight for Rotax Grand Final tickets, or celebrate the 60th anniversary of Latvian Karting. Looking back, we can say that we have done a great job - all together, for this season to take place, so that we can share the feeling of joy and success together and celebrate the important anniversary with honor.
09.09.2020 23:17
2020 season's final stage will be held at Jelgava
Already this weekend from 11.09. - 12.09. just like last season, we will meet for the last stage of the season in Jelgava, on the karting track "Rullītis", to complete the 4th stage of the Pro-Kart, the 5th stage of the Latvian Championship and the 6th stage of the Rotax Challenge Cup. This will be the final and final stage of the season.