21.08.2015 12:49
Transponder (55)
Currently available one go-kart transponder Flex X2 direct power, with 5-year activation. Completely new. The price is 255 EUR. Located at the dealer Motorparks + 371-27021882.
13.08.2015 11:53
MicroMax & MiniMax Final 2015 (0)
The Best European MicroMax and MiniMax drivers this weekend Speedworld Austria will clarify this year's champions.
20.07.2015 21:37
Everything OK (2)
Thanks to the operational functioning and civic honor mind, virtually all rolls have remained.
01.10.2018 23:23
Ar dalībnieku rekordskaitu finišē 2018.gada kartingu sezona (1)
Ar deviņu valstu pārstāvniecību, vairāk nekā 200 dalībnieku – lieliskos laika apstākļos aizvadīta Latvijas kartingu sacensību sezona. Latvijas čempionāts, Latvijas Rotax izaicinājuma kauss (6.posms), Pro-Kart seriāla 5.posms, pasaulē pirmā elektrokartingu čempionāta fināls – tas viss Jelgavas kartingu trasē “Rullītis”.
26.08.2018 00:35
The wettest stage of this karting season finishes in the Sporta Komplekss "333" (0)
Today, in the Sporta Komplekss "333", the nearly-closing stage of the season took place the karting race at the Latvian Karting Open Championship, Pro-Kart Cup, the Rotax Challenge Cup, and the LMT Autosport Academy. Officially the race was opened by the chairman of the LAF karting committee and the race director, Valdis Brutāns and Haralds Šlēgelmilhs who congratulated all the riders, pointing out that the closing stage of the season is very close.
29.07.2018 23:57
The third, possibly the hottest, stage of the season has taken place in Kandava (0)
Last weekend we met on the 3rd season’s stage in Kandavas Kartodroms. The race day was not only a prediction of hot and tense weather, but also on the track. It is clearly seen that athletes and teams count on the fact that the season is already two steps away, so it is working hard on new drivers' tactics and the ability to improve their speed on the track.
25.07.2018 11:42
Season’s 3rd stage already this weekend at Kandavas Kartodroms (0)
It is possible that the hottest seasonal competition will be held already on Saturday, July 28, at Kandavas Kartodroms. On the starting line, the Latvian Karting Open Championship, the Pro-Kart Cup, the Rotax Challenge Cup, and the test of the LMT Autosport Academy will pass. Competitions are definitely promising to be hot, as this will be the mid-season stage, indicating that more than half of the race is already behind us.
27.05.2018 12:49
The first stage of the season at Madona karting track has been completed (1)
Yesterday, on Madonna's karting track, the start was set for the 2018 karting season. Athletes started fighting in several season competitions - the Latvian Karting Open Championship, the Pro-Kart Cup, the Rotax Challenge Cup, and the LMT Autosport Academy.