The first stage of the 2020 karting season has been hot and exciting
28.06.2020 23:48
Over the weekend, at the Sporta Komplekss 333 karting tracks provoked karting and hot emotions. 132 participants from Latvia, as well as from Lithuania and Estonia took part in the start of this race. The athletes' eyes were really longing for the real emotions of speed and the spirit of competition. The air temperature did not allow anyone to relax either, as it kept within almost 30 degrees throughout the day. It should be noted that the stage was still marked by social distancing, and the award system was adjusted and changed accordingly to prevent participants and teams from gathering. The opening parade and the usual ritual of greeting the competition did not take place in this competition either.
Winners of the first stage of the season by classes:
RM Micro Max class:
1st place - Majus Mazinas,
2nd place - Markas Silkunas,
3rd place - Toms Strēle.
Micro Max class:
1st place - Alise Štolcermane,
2nd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius.
3rd place - Vanessa Silkunaite.
In class M125:
1st place - Paul Kesa,
2nd place - Oleg Vlasov,
3rd place - Raivis Veikšāns.
CZ125 class
1st place - Uelar Jeblakov,
2nd place - Lauri Varblas,
3rd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius.
RM Mini Max class:
1st place - Edgars Vilcāns,
2nd place - Alexander Skjelten,
3rd place - Dovydas Gudelevicius.
Mini Max class:
1st place - Daniel Kilkens,
2nd place - Nikita Konfederāts,
3rd place - Bruno Braželis.
RM Junior class:
1st place - Tomass Štolcermanis,
2nd place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis,
3rd place - Mārtiņš Janovskis.
Junior class:
1st place - Devin Sagadi,
2nd place - Mia - Mariette Pankratov,
3rd place - Artyom Vedennikov.
Class R85:
1st place - Theodor Toobal,
2nd place - Tanel Karu,
3rd place - Oliver Soonurm.
Tek Open class:
1st place - Timurs Jansons.
TK Junior class:
1st place - Kārlis Bricis.
RM DD2 class:
1st place - Ragnar Veerus,
2nd place - Krists Ziders,
3rd place – Matvejs Makušins.
TK class:
1st place - Haralds Stumps,
2nd place – Roberts Klinsons,
3rd place - Dāvids Ivbulis.
RM DD2 Master class:
1st place - Priit Sei,
2nd place - Ēriks Gasparovičs,
3rd place - Mykolas Mazinas.
KZ2 Master class:
1st place - Robertas Saveikis,
2nd place - Vytautas Surdokas,
3rd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius.
KZ2 class:
1st place - Paulius Paskevicius,
2nd place - Mārtiņš Lapiņš,
3rd place - Kaspar Kallasmaa.
RM Senior class:
1st place - Cairo Kiwi,
2nd place - Gustavs Māliņš,
3rd place - Aivo Menken Parts.
1st place - Māris Spāde,
2nd place - Aigars Stankevičs,
3rd place - Alvar Udu.
Many thanks to all the teams, athletes and staff who treated the newly introduced conditions very responsibly based on the current situation regarding the restriction of Covid-19 in the country. Very soon, in less than 2 weeks, we will meet in Smiltene, where we will spend the 2nd stage of the season. As we prepare for this stage, we invite you to linger in the memories of the weekend by looking at the photo from stage 1 - https://www.flickr.com/photos/143386034@N04/albums/72157714895861957?fbclid=IwAR1WBBeeGuCNyoZ2Siz4_rGIwma6e-t04oZ949OU-8oWqkble7MA86yCY-E