2016 kart season opened with the first race at SK333
30.04.2016 23:44
The first 2016 kart season start shot at SK333 has been played and competition is over. 1st season round brought together 84 participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Finland. Clearly it shows that all the contestants have put a lot of work in preparation for the new season. Intense events took place both on the track and at the secretariat. Not everyone can always be the first or get prize-winning places on the podium, but this is the only the very start of the season, so it is, where to work and strive for. And this race showed that the qualification and pre-final results are not always matching the final results. The fight takes place on the track until the last fraction of a second.
Positive and dance - full was the competition opening ceremony, thanks to our new friends - Ropaži Culture and Education Centre for children's dance group "Annele" and Zaķumuiža Primary school dance team "Garauši" who had came to welcome the riders to the start of the season. Many thanks also to dance leader Terēze Jozefa and assistant Zane Kristiāna Jozefa.
The competition awarded prizes for the first three winners:
Rotax Micro Max class:
1st place - Tomass Štolcermanis (LAT),
2nd Place - Matīss Maļinovskis (LAT)
3rd Place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis (LAT)
Rotax MiniMax class:
1st place - Karl-Markus Sei (EST)
2nd place - Toni Herranen (FIN)
3rd place - Vikentiy Toumanov (BLR)
Rotax Max Junior class:
1st place - Georg Koss (EST)
2nd place – Valters Zviedris (LAT)
3rd Place - Michael Budovsky (LAT)
Rotax Max Senior class:
1st place - Kairo Kiwis (EST)
2nd Place - Ragnar Veer (EST)
3rd place - Dmitriy Kitaev (BLR)
Rotax Max DD2 class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Steinerts (LAT)
2nd Place - Mario Vendla (EST)
3rd place – Haralds Garkaklis (RUS)
Rotax Max DD2 Masters class:
1st place - Iļja Aļoškins (LAT)
2nd Place - Antti Ramm (EST)
3rd place - Saulius Pocevicius (LIT)
KZ2 class:
1st place - Sten Piirimaegi (EST)
2nd Place - Kaspar Kallasmaa (EST)
3rd place - Mark Villem Moor (EST)
Good luck to all participants already in the next starts of this season and congratulate to all of today's finalists, who won prizes today! We see you at the next round, on May 21, which will also be held at SK333.
We remind you that all the race results will be available http://www.prokart.lv , in section "Race".
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