14.09.2012 21:20
Retrokart 2012 (0)
Three years ago we have start to organize the historic kart race. This year, all the kart drivers will meet in Kandava 29th September, where will take place the traditional Retrokart race. Under the measure, the Pro-Kart series standings winners of awards, as well as the party in honor of the season closure.
08.09.2012 21:48
Points are counted (0)
On Saturday 08.09. Sports Complex 333 were held the final round of season Pro-Kart 2012 . Cleared winners in the season standings.
02.08.2012 20:26
Street race (0)
Everything going to be ready to the street race in Liepaja. The race agenda You can see below. Free practice at Friday from 20.00 until 22.00 (free of charge).
16.07.2012 23:10
Safety first (0)
Given the popularity of the program and the rapidly growing number of participants, it is concluded that a physician without special operational support vehicles may not be enough to ensure the quality of the first emergency medical assistance.
10.07.2017 23:44
Already this saturday - we are going to the Kandava track on the 4th stage of this season (697)
Already this weekend, 15.07, after a longer break in the karting season, we will meet in Kandavas Kartodroms. All 4 season’s stages - the Latvian Championship stand, in the Latvian Rotax Challenge Cup and the Pro-Kart Cup start on saturday.
10.07.2017 23:39
Māliņš in the CIK-FIA Academy demonstrates an excellent performance by winning the 9th place in the final (897)
Last weekend, from 1.07. - 2.07 in France, at Lemans track, next to the famous 24-hour Leman ride track, the 3rd CIK-FIA European Championship and the 2nd round of the Karting Academy took place. For the second consecutive time in this prestigious race Latvia this year is represented by Gustavs Māliņš. It should be noted that Gustavs is the only representative of Latvia in these competitions.
10.07.2017 23:36
Jūrmalas kartingists Valters Zviedris izcīna 2. vietu “Rotax Nordic Challenge” Lietuvas posmā un nostiprinās seriāla vadībā (6)
8. jūlijā Aukštadvaris trasē tika aizvadīts “Rotax Nordic Challenge” četru posmu seriāla otrais posms. “Jūrmala/Papa’s Sacīkšu komandu tajā pārstāvēja četri sportisti Valters Zviedris, Ernests Veismanis, Ričards Šubeckis un komandas jaunpienācējs Artūrs Bondars.
09.07.2017 21:02
“Jūrmala/ Papa’s Sacīkšu Komandas” jaunajiem autosportistiem labi panākumi NEZ autošosejas sacensībās Pērnavā (5)
01. jūlijā Pērnavā Auto24ring autotrasē tika aizvadīts Ziemeļeiropas Zonas (NEZ) čempionāta otrais posms autošosejā. “Jūrmala/ Papa’s RT” komandu šajās sacensībās pārstāvēja sportisti Ernests Veismanis, Valters Zviedris un Uldis Timaks.
18.06.2017 23:04
Talented Konstantīns Calko will drive in the prestigious Le Mans 24-hour race (24)
This June 17, at the French city Le Mans 85 start time of the legendary 24-hour endurance race. For the first time the list of participants see also Latvian representative talented racer Konstantīns Calko. Currently, 23-year-old spent Calko active in autosport for 15 years, his career goal has always been starts Le Mans 24-hour race. The 2016 season Calko participated in the endurance championship Asian Le Mans Series, where a good performance in the final test LMP3 prototype helped the ARC Bratislava Slovak team win the possibility to participate in the Le Mans 24-hour race.
11.06.2017 23:42
All trophies and medals have been given on 3rd stage of season at Madona (8)
Yesterday, 10.06., at Madona karting track successfully completed 3rd stage of season in Latvian open Championship, Latvian Rotax Challenge Cup, Pro-Kart Cup and LMT Autosport Academy stage. Certainly it would not been lied by saying that the race was very lively, in very positive way, because riders already on qualifications trips showed character and fought for the best possible positions. Of course, it did not pass without a small, sporty incidents on the track, but the emotions are emotions.