08.12.2019 15:47
07.10.2019 19:40
Season Award Ceremony (36)
We invite all karting and minicar season 2019 winners and other interested persons to the awards ceremony on 30th November, which will take place in Majoru culture house, Jomas street 35, Jurmala.
28.12.2018 17:18
27.03.2018 00:27
A 24-hour go-kart endurance race will be held for the first time in the Baltic countries (6)
Riga, Latvia: From 5th till 6th of May sports complex “333” will host the very first 24h endurance race with rental go-karts in Baltics. This will be not only a historical race but also a symbolic greeting for Latvia’s, Estonia’s and Lithuania’s centenary!
27.12.2017 21:16
Līdz 26.janvārim aicina licencēt ROTAX dzinējus (684)
Pēc LAF kartingu komisijas un ROTAX Latvijas pārstāvju tikšanās, tika pieņemts vienots lēmums veikt dzinēju licencēšanu. Lēmums pieņemts ar mērķi veicināt Latvijas ROTAX tirgus attīstību, kas sekmētu Latvijas braucēju iespēju paplašināšanu un atbalstu kā vietējās tā starptautiskās ROTAX sacensībās.
05.12.2017 14:21
The magnificent awards ceremony of 2017 season (3)
On December 2, in the Aizkraukle Cultural House, the big and talented karting family celebrated the season's season, rewarding the best of the season.
15.11.2017 10:50
Baltic riders come back from the prestigious Rotax Max Challenge Grand Final 2017 race (3)
Last week, our athletes returned from the prestigious Grand Final, held in Portimao, Portugal, from 4. to 11. November. The 362 best riders from 59 countries came to the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals 2017, which lasted for a whole week in the south of Portugal - "Kartodromo Internacional do Algarve".
13.11.2017 08:02
On the 2nd of December - the 2017 season's award ceremony!
Another great, positive and fast season is closed. We invite you to the celebration - December 2, in Aizkraukle, Aizkraukle Culture House, Spīdolas street 2, in order to fully contribute to the achievements of this season and to highlight the future goals of the new one. We will congratulate all the winners of the 2017 karting, minikar and LMT Autosport Academy winners!
05.11.2017 20:38
Latvians are going to the Rotax global competition "Grand Finals (722)
Also this year, Latvian riders all season long fought not only in various Latvian karting stages, but also the Rotax Challenge Cup stage. Victory in MicroMax, MiniMax, DD2 and DD2 Masters classes resulted in the standings with a ticket to the "Grand Final" competition, which will take place in Portimao, Portugal, from 04. – 11. November.