Successfully completed stage 4 of the karting season at Teperis track
17.08.2019 22:41
August is the anniversary month for Prokart and this year Prokart marks the 10th anniversary of the development of the carting movement in Latvia by Valdis Brutāns. Both participants and fans would certainly agree that this was one of the most interesting stages so far this season. A very interesting and strategic track, qualifying runs in rainy weather and a race day, unfortunately even with some collisions and incidents. It is felt that the season's end is approaching, and the word 'overall' is heard more often.
Valdis Brutāns noted that the goal why we do something, what the result will be - is very important. During the race in the result tent, it was possible to view a small exhibition of photographic material from 10 years ago, when only a few dozen participants gathered at the start, whereas at the current stage, almost every karting event now has over 200 participants. It is a great feeling to realize that it is in our hands to build a high quality, athletic and smart young generation who can carry the name of Latvia and its talents in the world. It was also noticeable at this stage that the participants talk much more about the results of the season, which indicates that the last 2 stages we will meet - 333 Sporta Komplekss and Jelgava track "Rullītis" will be even more exciting and interesting.
Final race leaders by class:
RM Micro Max class:
1st place - David Gudelevicius,
2nd place - Tomas Rudokas,
3rd place - Roberts Purmalis.
In the Micro Max class:
1st place - Artem Maksimchyk,
2nd place - Nikita Sinebok,
3rd place - Ainis Vibrantis.
Class M125:
1st place - Jevgēņijs Rudans,
2nd place - Evgeniy Mihienok
3rd place - Denis Kiselnikov.
Class CZ125:
1st place - Arnis Šeidlers,
2nd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius,
3rd place - Sergejs Vasiļkovs
Retro Classroom:
1st place - Jurijs Šestakovs,
2nd place - Andris Gūtmanis.
Tek class:
1st place - Raitis Plukšs (Smiltenes tehnikums)
2nd place - Raivis Veikšāns (Aizkraukles profesionālā vidusskola))
3rd place - Arnis Dreimanis (Liepājas tehnikums)
Tek Open class:
1st place - Ēriks Gasparovičs.
RM Mini Max class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Janovskis,
2nd place – Ričards Vecvagars,
3rd place - Alexander Skjelten.
In the Mini Max class:
1st place - Arturs Danilevskis,
2nd place - Gustavs Akmens,
3rd place - Vlad Sinebok.
RM Junior class:
1st place – Tomass Štolcermanis,
2nd place - Yaraslau Siamashka,
3rd place – Patriks Noels Ločmelis.
Junior class:
1st place - Lukas Scherbinskas,
2nd place - Andreja Vibriantyte,
3rd place - Emīls Akmens.
TK Junior class:
1st place - Jēkabs Sverns,
2nd place – Marta Evelīna Klinsone,
3rd place - Kirils Dmitrijevs.
Class R85:
1st place - Markas Silkunas,
2nd place - Vanesa Silkunaite,
3rd place - Gabriels Kristi Moisejs.
RM DD2 class:
1st place – Matvejs Makušins,
2nd place - Valters Zviedris,
3rd place - Jon Einari Bambus.
DD2 class:
1st place - Alexey Savin,
2nd place - Kristīne Mēnese,
3rd place - Daniils Ivančikovs.
TK class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Soste (Siguldas Motodarbnīca)
2nd place - Edgars Pavārs (Saldus BJC)
3rd place - Artūrs Daņiļevskis (Rīgas 41. vidusskola)
LMT Autosport Academy:
1st place - Mārtiņš Soste (Siguldas Motodarbnīca)
2nd place - Edgars Pavārs (Saldus BJC)
3rd place - Artūrs Daņiļevskis (Rīgas 41. vidusskola)
RM DD2 Master class:
1st place - Priit Sei,
2nd place - Raivis Kirilovs,
3rd place - Ēriks Gasparovičs.
DD2 Master class:
1st place - Mykolas Mazinas.
2nd place - Mikalai Tsiminski,
3rd place - Dainis Dreimanis.
KZ2 Master class:
1st place - Vytautas Surdokas,
2nd place - Vytautas Adomaitis,
3rd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius.
KZ2 class:
1st place - Yuri Dzitiev,
2nd place - Mikhail Kalinin,
3rd place - Mārtiņš Lapiņš.
RM Senior Class:
1st place - Gustavs Māliņš,
2nd place - Lauris Laizāns,
3rd place - Edijs Elksnis.
Senior class:
1st place - Aivo Menken Parts,
2nd place - Dāvids Sniedze,
3rd place - Andrejs Laipnieks.
1st place - Aigars Stankevičs,
2nd place - Viktor Alekseev,
3rd place - Mikhail Dobonii.
Congratulations to all riders with awards and great start!
As well as a reminder for all athletes who travel outside Latvia to represent our country - report their progress to our press service writing to sabine.leingarde@gmail.com or do it on the ProKart Facebook page! We want to follow you and tell others about it!
The next round will take place in the week of August 23 - 24 at 333 Sporta Komplekss. We keep up to date with information, news and see you soon!