2018 karting season will start in few weeks
14.04.2018 11:47
The fastest part of the 2018 karting season is approaching fast. Beginning with each season it is important not only to set goals and be ready for new challenges, but also to prepare a plan and get acquainted with the latest developments in the new season.
The first and most important point in this season plan is the stages of the competition and their venues. This season we will meet in five stages of the race. It should be noted that in the TEK class (for the new class read further!) There will be 6 stages in the season, and the first one is already - 01.05. within the Kandava suburb cup.
Stages of the Latvian Championship and Pro-Kart cup in 2018:
24.05 - 26.05. Madona
07.06. - 09.06. Smiltene
26.07 - 28.07. Kandava
23.08 - 25.08. SK333
27.09. - 29.09. Jelgava
It is known that the Retro test will also be included in 3 stages and these stages could take place on Madona, Kandava and Jelgava tracks.
While the "quiet" or "preparatory stage" of the season is organized by the race organizers, the members of the Karting commission and the representatives of the Latvian Automobile Federation are actively working to ensure that each season awaits us with new innovations and improvements that will ease the daily routine of the athletes and allow them to concentrate to a job on the track. We are pleased to announce that starting with the 2018 season, application licenses will be significantly simpler and more convenient, as it will be possible to do it in a specially created system: www.laflicences.lv. The purpose of the new system is to make it easier for the athlete, the judge, the owners of the tracks to deal with issues related to the withdrawal of the license. In the future, the system will provide the opportunity to use LAF's services in e-environment more modern, faster and more convenient without having to arrive at the LAF office. System services can only be used by registered users - athletes, clubs - LAF members, race organizers, trawl owners, keepers and judges. By authorizing system www.laflicences.lv, the user has the opportunity to order licenses, as well as to keep up with the latest news. In turn, unregistered users who are car enthusiasts will be able to view the list of licensed representatives, clubs and information about licensed tracks. Also available on the page is a manual, but if there are any uncertainties or questions, we invite you to call by calling the telephone number listed on the page or write to info@laflicences.lv.
If until now it seemed that the history of karting has already been well described and there is a solid foundation to be passed on from generation to generation, then with today it is quite clear that this season will write new pages in karting history books. Within the framework of the Latvian Championship and in a completely separate class, the 2018 season, the first electronic charts will be on the track. So this is a completely new record in the history of Latvia, as we will be the first country in the world to host the Electric Karting Championship. In co-operation with the LMT AA karting school, it is planned that 10 kartings will start in this class, as well as 4-5 private athletes in the 2018 season. It is planned to name the following TeK classes. Currently, it is known from the technical regulations that karting will be equipped with 15kW engines, the total weight will be no less than 175 kg and athletes starting at the age of 12 will start the class. The TOK class racing format will be the same as for other championship classes, with a reduced distance only. In the framework of the Pro-Kart Cup, a free class (TeK Open) is also planned to be opened in order to enable Estonian and Lithuanian athletes who have been participating in various club competitions for a number of years, as well as enthusiasts who want to build electric cards for enthusiasts. As Artis Daugins, head of Blue Shock Race Factory, said: "This championship is" open ", which means that everyone can participate in it!"
One of the season's technical news is the change of tire company within the Pro-Kart series. In this season, we will go with VEGA branded tires on the track, while using the MOJO tires in the Latvian Championship and Rotax Challenge Cup. MicroMax, MiniMax, Junior, Senior, Senior Master, DD2, DD2 Master Class also run this season with MOJO branded tires. TeK, TeK Open, TK will go with VEGA XH2 tire model, TK Junior and R85 with VEGA MINI tire model, while KZ2 and KZ2 Master with VEGA XM tire model. Compared to the previous season, there is a certain tire model limit, but tire purchase is free. Further details on the tire parameters for each class are available in the technical regulations. In the event that for some reason, the Athlete will not be able to purchase VEGA tires independently, they will also be available at the organizator.
It should be noted in the technical information that the cost of transponders for this season remains unchanged at EUR 20. Training day fee - 30 EUR. As well as the participation fee for small classes (R85, TK Junior, MicroMax, MiniMax) - EUR 35 and in adult classes - EUR 40, remains unchanged.
We also want to inform you that the list of start numbers has been updated. In this regard, we would like to invite riders who change their class in the 2018 season and start another class - to remove a reservation from their numbers in the previous class and report this to the representatives of the karting commission by writing to the e-mail - prokart@prokart.lv. This will allow the new class riders to book their preferred numbers. We also invite all the athletes who will start this year's season to check their numbers - whether they match your start in a particular class.
We are pleased to announce that in the 2018 season, we will continue to cooperate with www.sportacentrs.com, which provided high-quality live coverage of the race stages in 2017. As well as in the new season, we will continue to be supported by the AAA Association and the construction product company Saint-Gobain. In its turn, a brand new collaboration has developed with the autoschool - Credo Autoprieks.
If there are any questions or uncertainties before the season or season, please write to prokart@prokart.lv or on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Pro-Kart, or call Valdis Brutāns!
As well as a consistently large, big request to all athletes and their teams, to be even more active this season and to report their forthcoming rivalries and their results outside of Latvia!
Primarily, we ask you to inform Pro-Kart personal relation’s person Sabīne Leingarde / e-mail: sabine.leingarde@gmail.com / 28355507 or LAF press secretary - Kristīne Pavlovska / e-mail: prese@laf.lv / 28344187.Please - call, write, tell! We will pass on your progress so that we can loudly proud of our athletes.
The first season starts after 2 weeks, therefore, we invite all athletes to gather their thoughts and be ready for the first start not only physically but also emotionally. We look forward to the first start of the 2018 season and we are on the track!
Comments (7)

07.06.2018 20:49
Ryan F. Tyler

12.05.2018 02:01
Lean Hirtle

04.05.2018 03:17
Justin Williams

04.05.2018 03:17
Justin Williams

04.05.2018 03:14
Justin Williams

04.05.2018 03:14
Justin Williams

04.05.2018 03:08
Justin Williams