The 2019 karting season is already halfway
07.07.2019 21:00
The 2019 kart season is already halfway
This weekend, the whole cartoon family gathered in Madona to take the season's mid-season or 3rd stage. The weather at this weekend also did not stifle athletes or visitors. Friday's qualifying races were only held in the rain and under heavy wind. It was hoped that Saturday would carry a dry race and a track, but almost all the finals for the athletes had to beat in the raincoats and the choice of the trip with wet weather tires. This time we can also boast an impressive number of participants - 211 athletes on the start line.
Opening the competitions with the participants, congratulations were given to the Chairman of the Karting Commission Valdis Brutāns and the Chairman of Madona City Council Agris Lungevičs, devoting motivating inspirational words and gratitude to Madona for becoming more sporty and active, and specifically for technical sports. Lungevich also mentioned that 7 years ago it was not a very easy decision to restore the track, but today it is clear that it has been worth it.
There were also several clashes, slippage of athletes and technical problems during the race - electricity was not available for some time. For this reason, the Mini Max riders had to make the finals after the changed schedule - the final races, because during the official rides the runtime of the athletes was wrongly recorded due to a loss of power. Along with these changes and other breaks, the closing of the competition schedule was about one hour. Thanks to athletes and supporters for understanding and support!
Final Trip Class Leaders:
RM Micro Max class:
1st place - David Gudelevicius
2nd Place - Danilushkin Dima
3rd place - Tom Strele.
Micro Max class:
1st place - Artem Maksimchyk
2nd Place - Nikita Sinebok
3rd place - Vsevolod Shspakovskii.
In M125 class:
1st place - Denis Kiselnikov
2nd Place - Murad Mirzoev
3rd place - Dainis Teilāns
In CZ125 class:
1st place - Aloyzas Cekavicius
2nd Place - Uelar Jeblakov
3rd place - Arnis Šeidlers
Tek Class:
1st place - Arnis Dreimanis (Liepaja Technical University)
2nd place - Richard Irbe (Saldus Children and Youth Center)
3rd place - Raitis Plukšs (Smiltene Technical School)
Tek Open Class:
1st place - Eric Gasparovich
RM Junior Class:
1st place - Thomas Štolcermanis
2nd place - Yaraslau Siamashka,
3rd place - Patrick Noel Ločmelis
Junior Class:
1st place - Andrei Vibriantyte
2nd Place - Daniil Tsurankov
3rd place - Mattias Lobjak
TK Junior Class:
1st Place - Platon Karzhou,
2nd Place - Marta Evelīna Klinsone
3rd place - Kirill Dmitry
R85 class:
1st place - Domantas Knyva,
2nd Place - Mark Silkun
3rd place - Edgars Martinsons
RM in DD2 class:
1st place - Walter Zviedr,
2nd Place - Erich Kuhn
3rd place - Matvey Makushin.
In DD2 class:
1st place - Skaiste Petrauskaite,
TK Class:
1st place - Luize Cera
2nd place - Kristaps Stumps
3rd place - David Ivbulis
In LMT Autosport Academy's test:
1st place - Kristaps Stumps (Riga State 1st Gymnasium)
2nd place - Artūrs Daņiļevskis (Riga Secondary School No 41)
3rd place - Edgars Pavars (Saldus Children and Youth Center)
RM DD2 Master Class:
1st Place - Eric Gasparovich
2nd Place - Ilya Alaskahin
3rd place - Ivars Uss
DD2 Master Class:
1st place - Mikalai Tsiminski,
2nd place - Armands Andersons
3rd place - Dainis Dreimanis
KZ2 Master Class:
1st place - Vytautas Surdokas,
2nd place - Vytautas Adomaitis,
3rd place - Alexey Meleshin
KZ2 Class:
1st Place - Anton Astashenko,
2nd Place - Paulius Paskevicius
3rd place - Mikhail Kalinin
RM Senior Class:
1st place - Gustavs Māliņš
2nd place - Lauris Laizāns,
3rd place - Edijs Elksnis
Senior Class:
1st place - Aivo Menken Parts
2nd Place - Klim Sokolov
3rd place - Andrejs Laipnieks
1st place - Maris Spāde
2nd place - Aigars Stankēvičs
3rd place - Viktor Alekseev
RM Mini Max class:
1st place - Martins Janovskis,
2nd Place - Richard Vecvagar
3rd place - Alexander Skjelten
Mini Max class:
1st place - Arturs Daņiļevskis
2nd Place - Vlad Sinebok
3rd place - Roman Sakovski
Congratulations to all riders with award-winning places and great start-ups in the first season!
Reminder to all athletes who travel outside Latvia to represent our country - report their progress to our press service at sabine.leingarde@gmail.com or do it on ProKart Facebook! We want you to follow and tell others about it!
The next stage will take place from August 9 to 10 at Smiltene Karting Track. We follow information, news and meet a little more than a month later in Smiltene.
This weekend, the whole karting family gathered in Madona to take the season's mid-season 3rd stage. The weather at this weekend also did not stifle athletes or visitors. Friday's qualifying races were only held in the rain and under heavy wind. It was hoped that saturday would carry a dry race and a track, but almost all the finals for the athletes had to beat in the raincoats and the choice of the trip with wet weather tires. This time we can also boast an impressive number of participants - 211 athletes on the start line.
Opening the competitions with the participants, congratulations were given from the Chairman of the Karting Commission Valdis Brutāns and the Chairman of Madona City Council Agris Lungevičs, devoting motivating inspirational words and gratitude to Madona for becoming more sporty and active, and specifically for technical sports. Lungevičs also mentioned that 7 years ago it was not a very easy decision to restore the track, but today it is clear that it has been worth it.
There were also several clashes, slippage of athletes and technical problems during the race - electricity was not available for some time. For this reason, the Mini Max riders had to make the prefinals after the changed schedule - during the final races, because during the official rides the runtime of the athletes was wrongly recorded due to a loss of power. Along with these changes and other breaks, the closing of the competition schedule was about one hour late. Thanks to athletes and supporters for understanding and support!
Leaders after the final race:
RM Micro Max class:
1st place - Dovydas Gudelevicius
2nd Place - Danilushkin Dima
3rd place - Toms Strēle.
Micro Max class:
1st place - Artem Maksimchyk
2nd Place - Nikita Sinebok
3rd place - Vsevolod Shspakovskii.
In M125 class:
1st place - Denis Kiselnikov
2nd Place - Murad Mirzoev
3rd place - Dainis Teilāns
In CZ125 class:
1st place - Aloyzas Cekavicius
2nd Place - Uelar Jeblakov
3rd place - Arnis Šeidlers
Tek Class:
1st place - Arnis Dreimanis
2nd place - Ričards Irbe
3rd place - Raitis Plukšs
Tek Open Class:
1st place - Ēriks Gasparovičs
RM Junior Class:
1st place - Tomass Štolcermanis
2nd place - Yaraslau Siamashka,
3rd place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis
Junior Class:
1st place - Andreja Vibriantyte
2nd Place - Daniil Tsurankov
3rd place - Mattias Lobjak
TK Junior Class:
1st Place - Platon Karzhou,
2nd Place - Marta Evelīna Klinsone
3rd place - Kirils Dmitrijevs
R85 class:
1st place - Domantas Knyva,
2nd Place - Markas Silkunas,
3rd place - Edgars Martinsons
RM in DD2 class:
1st place - Valters Zviedris,
2nd Place - Erich Kuhn
3rd place - Matvejs Makušins
In DD2 class:
1st place - Skaiste Petrauskaite,
TK Class:
1st place - Luīze Cera
2nd place - Kristaps Stumps
3rd place - Dāvids Ivbulis
LMT Autosport Academy:
1st place - Kristaps Stumps
2nd place - Artūrs Daņiļevskis
3rd place - Edgars Pavars
RM DD2 Master Class:
1st Place - Ēriks Gasparovičs
2nd Place - Iļja Aļoškins
3rd place - Ivars Uss
DD2 Master Class:
1st place - Mikalai Tsiminski,
2nd place - Armands Andersons
3rd place - Dainis Dreimanis
KZ2 Master Class:
1st place - Vytautas Surdokas,
2nd place - Vytautas Adomaitis,
3rd place - Alexey Meleshin
KZ2 Class:
1st Place - Anton Astashenko,
2nd Place - Paulius Paskevicius
3rd place - Mikhail Kalinin
RM Senior Class:
1st place - Gustavs Māliņš
2nd place - Lauris Laizāns,
3rd place - Edijs Elksnis
Senior Class:
1st place - Aivo Menken Parts
2nd Place - Klim Sokolov
3rd place - Andrejs Laipnieks
1st place - Māris Spāde
2nd place - Aigars Stankēvičs
3rd place - Viktor Alekseev
RM Mini Max class:
1st place - Mārtiņš Janovskis,
2nd Place - Ričards Vecvagars
3rd place - Alexander Skjelten
Mini Max class:
1st place - Artūrs Daņiļevskis
2nd Place - Vlad Sinebok
3rd place - Roman Sakovski
Congratulations to all riders with award-winning places and great start-ups in the first season!
Reminder to all athletes who travel outside Latvia to represent our country - report their progress to our press service at sabine.leingarde@gmail.com or do it on ProKart Facebook! We want you to follow and tell others about it!
The next stage will take place from August 9 to 10 at Smiltene Karting Track. We follow information, news and meet a little more than a month later in Smiltene.