Heat, emotions and joy – at Madona we opened karting season 2019
24.05.2019 00:55
On Saturday, at the Madona Karting track was given a start shot for the 2019 karting season. The fact that the athletes had really expired after the new season was witnessed by a record number of 201 riders on the start line. Despite the fact that the competition schedule was extended by one hour during the race - due to various collisions and incidents, the satisfaction of the excellent event was not lost in the eyes of the participants, teams and organizers.
It should be noted that the first stage was taken at the Latvian Championship, Pro-Kart Cup, Latvian Rotax Challenge Cup, LMT Autosport Academy, and Electrocart Championship. The participants were serious about starting the seasonal goals already in the first stage. It didn't work without a few clashes that could be written down on the big adrenaline rush that ran all the day. This season has also changed the agenda of the competition stages and qualifying races take place the day before - on Friday. To avoid leaving all emotions and forces on the track in the first half of the day, it seemed a logical step to move it to the previous day. Accordingly, the finals and finals are extended, the participants are not tired and exhausted, there is a more intense and exciting race on the track, and of course it is possible to extend their winning or training trip for at least a couple of laps!
Final Leaders:
RM Micro Max class: 1st place - Dovydas Gudelevicius, 2nd place - Roberts Purmalis, 3rd place - Kārlis Kirikovs
Micro Max class: - 1st place - Artem Maksimchyk, 2nd place - Nikita Sinebok, 3rd place - Trofim Krotov
M125 class: 1st place - Denis Kiselnikov, 2nd place - Murad Mirzoev, 3rd place - Oleg Vlasov
Retro class: 1st place - Yuri Shestakov, 2nd place - Andris Gūtmanis, 3rd place - Andris Štāls
Tek class: 1st place - Raivis Veikšāns (Aizkraukle Vocational Secondary School), 2nd place - Arnis Dreimanis (Liepāja State Technical School), 3rd place - Raitis Plukšs (Smiltene Technical School)
RM Mini Max class: 1st place - Martins Janovskis, 2nd place - Nauris Danebergs, 3rd place - Edgars Vilcāns
Mini Max class: 1st place - Vlad Sinebok, 2nd place - Roman Sakovski, 3rd place - Yaraslau Tsiminski
RM Junior class: 1st place – Tomass Štolcermanis, 2nd place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis, 3rd place - Kārlis Grava
Junior class: 1st place - Andrei Vibriantyte, 2nd place - Daniil Tsurankov, 3rd place - Emīls Akmens
TK Junior class: 1st place - Platon Karzhou, 2nd place - Marta Evelīna Klinsone, 3rd place - Kirill Dmitry
R85 class: 1st place - Markas Silkunas, 2nd place - Edgars Martinsons, 3rd place - Gabriels Moisejs
RM in DD2 class: 1st place – Valters Zviedris, 2nd place - Matvejs Makušins, 3rd place - Erich Kuhn
DD2 class: 1st place - Aliaksei Savin, 2nd place - Skaiste Petrauskaite
TK class: 1st place - Edgars Pavars, 2nd place - Kristaps Stumps, 3rd place - Roberts Klinsons
RM DD2 Master class: 1st place – Henrijs Grūbe, 2nd place - Ilya Aļoškins, 3rd place - Priit Sei
DD2 Master class: 1st place - Rihards Pavlov, 2nd place - Mikalai Tsiminski, 3rd place - Armands Andersons
KZ2 Master Class: 1st Place - Alexey Meleshin, 2nd Place - Aloyzas Cekavicius, 3rd Place - Vytautas Adomaitis
KZ2 class: 1st place - Mikhail Kalinin, 2nd place - Anton Astashenko, 3rd place - Mārtiņš Lapiņš
RM Senior Class: 1st Place - Dominik Sinkevits, 2nd Place - Gustavs Māliņš, 3rd Place - Lauris Laizāns
Senior Class: 1st Place - Aivo Menken Parts, 2nd Place - Klim Sokolov, 3rd Place - Emīls Kalnrācenis
Seniormaster: 1st place - Mikhail Dobonii, 2nd place - Māris Spade
Congratulations to all riders with award-winning places and great start-ups in the first season!
Reminder to all athletes who travel outside Latvia to represent our country - report their progress to our press service at sabine.leingarde@gmail.com or do it on ProKart Facebook! We want you to follow and tell others about it!
The next stage will take place from June 7th to 8th in Kandava. Follow the information, train and meet in just a couple of weeks - in Kandava!