FIA publishe decisions of the World Motor Sport Council
05.03.2022 19:12
The purpose of this circular is to notify all FIA Members, licence‐holders, competitors, officials,
organisers, and other FIA stakeholders of the decisions of the World Motor Sport Council (WMSC)
made at the extraordinary meeting of the WMSC held on 1 March 2022, in response to the Russian
invasion of Ukraine.
Russian/Belarusian drivers, individual competitors and officials to participate in
international/zone competitions only in an individual and neutral capacity (as Authorised
Neutral Drivers (AND) or Authorised Neutral Competitors (ANC) or Authorised Neutral
Officials (ANO)), subject to specific commitment and adherence to the FIA’s principles of
peace and political neutrality, until further notice. This decision applies to drivers of
Russian/Belarusian nationality and to drivers of any another nationality competing under the
Russian or Belarusian ASN. Any Russian/Belarusian driver or other driver competing under the
Russian or Belarusian ASN who does not sign a declaration committing to adhere to the FIA’s
principles of peace and political neutrality will not be allowed to participate in any
international/zone competitions.
Driver commitment form can be found in FIA or LAF web page