Finished the last season summer stage at Madona track
30.08.2016 20:36
With the finish line and award ceremony the last meters of this season summer stage we have ended the race at Madona track. Race and fight on the track either day was exciting, because the place on the podium changed and was not clear even to the last trip meters. Also, the weather yesterday's race were favorable, despite the fact that at one moment the sky gave us a couple of cooling rain drops. Madona kart track, yesterday to start a whole took 126 participants who competed in 5th Pro-Kart stage, as well as 4th Latvian Championship and 4th Latvian Rotax Challenge Cup stage.
The competition awarded prizes for the first three winners:
Raket class:
1st place - Daniels Kobals (LAT)
2nd place – Artūrs Mārtinsons (LAT)
3rd place – Dāvids Daniels Sniedze (LAT)
TK Junior class:
1st place - Anrijs-Leo Lediņš (LAT)
2nd place - Dāvids Ivbulis (LAT)
3rd place - Kārlis Bricis (LAT)
TK Senior class:
1st place - Rinalds Bēziņš (ENG)
2nd place - Reinis Masulis (LAT)
3rd place - Adrians Lasis (LAT)
M125 class:
1st place - Valdis Brutāns (LAT)
2nd place - Murad Mirzoev (RUS)
3rd place - Andris Maisaka (LAT)
CZ125 class:
1st place - Aloyzas Cekavicius (LTU)
2nd place – Valerijs Puiša (LAT)
Micro Max class:
1st place – Emīls Akmens (ENG)
2nd place - Mārtiņš Janovskis (LAT)
3rd place – Jānis Grava (LAT)
Rotax Micro Max class:
1st place - Matīss Maļinovskis (LAT)
2nd place - Tomass Štolcermanis (LAT)
3rd place - Patriks Noels Ločmelis (LAT)
Mini Max class:
1st place - Paskul Matvey (BLR)
2nd place – Kristers Linde (LAT)
3rd place - Zahar Nefedov (RUS)
Rotax Mini Max class:
1st place - Leo Cabulis (LAT)
2nd place - Mikus Jasevičs (LAT)
3rd place - Johann Vain (LAT)
Junior class:
1st place - Oskars Safonovs (LAT)
2nd place - Krists Zīders (LAT)
3rd place - Klim Sokolov (BLR)
RM Junior class:
1st place - Matvejs Makušins (LAT)
2nd place - Valters Zviedris (LAT)
3rd place - Kristiāns Rihters (LAT)
DD2 class:
1st place - Mareks Štolcermanis (LAT)
2nd place - Kārlis Miķelsons (LAT)
3rd place - Vahur Vene (EST)
DD2 Master class:
1st place - Rūdis Memens (LAT)
2nd place - Andris Valteris (LAT)
3rd place - Dainis Dreimanis (LAT)
RM DD2 class:
1st place – Mārtiņš Steinerts (LAT)
2nd place – Haralds Garkaklis (RUS)
3rd Place – Kristaps Gasparovičs (LAT)
RM DD2 Master class:
1st place - Iļja Aļoškins (LAT)
2nd place - Uldis Timaks (LAT)
3rd place - Armands Kančs (LAT)
Senior class:
1st place – Daniels Lācis (LAT)
2nd place - Rihards Pavlovs (LAT)
3rd place – Zane Katrīne Mēnese (ENG)
Senior Master class:
1st place - Jevgēņijs Monahovs (LAT)
2nd place - Gatis Vītols (LAT)
3rd place - Armands Andersons (LAT)
Rotax Max Senior class:
1st place - Ragnar Veerus (EST)
* Riders - Konstantin Ivanov and Krišs Jaunzemis excluded from drive.
KZ2 class:
1st place – Mārtiņš Lapiņš (LAT)
2nd place - Reinis Nitišs (LAT)
3rd place - Sergei Lapitckii (BLR)
KZ2 Master class:
1st place - Eduards Daņiļēvičs (LAT)
2nd place - Aloyzas Cekavicius (LTU)
3rd place - Kors Taavi (EST)
Soon, after 2 weeks – on September 10, we will meet a slightly different track - Jelgava streets, which will be one of the last stages of this season. Bearing in mind that this will be a non-standard competitions for more information on this phase will follow in the coming weeks.
Again and sincerely welcome all riders, who today won prizes, as well as any other for participation and the spirit of competition! Seasonal finish swift steps approaching so we wish all the participants in the remaining stages to evict all the skill and energy of the track, so that the award ceremony would be gratifying for the season done!
And we recall that, invariably, all race results, photos and information will be available on our website http://www.prokart.lv, in "Race".
Wish all the success in future competitions!
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05.09.2016 08:00